From the Shadows!
Ahhhh! Nothing like the garish colors of the top title
banner to make one
raise eyebrows and wake up to smell the napalm in the morning. I remember
waking up to the smell of napalm
Actually, it was just an older
sibling polishing his shoes. That was some pungent shoe polish, let me
tell you!
Aaaaaaaaaanyway, we're not here to talk about shoes,
or shoe polish. But
how does one communicate properly with one's
formal shoes?

I was looking over the comic, and I can't stop liking
it. That's sort of
necessary when I'm supposed to be the mastermind of the whole project.
mean, we've got a galaxy-destroying beast turned into a cute child, we've
got elf-like guards
I mean, we've got grown women running around in
miniskirts! What else do we need?
Well, yes
content, obviously. I can plot and plot
and plot, but I'll always need to refine it when the art comes in, because
I feel that the plot, narration, and dialogue ought to do justice to the
art. But, aside from the content, we've got a lot of ideas burning on
the back boilerwhich means that the ideas are never where they should
be when they appear, but there they are.
Life's like that, sometimes. But being bursting full
of random ideas is
one of the major factors that's kept me going for all this time. I
started fan fiction for the prestige, then started to really like what
been made, and kept it going from there. Fortunately, others seem to have
liked it as well, and moved it along even further.
Some time ago, I wrote an Extra about Ninjas,
which included discussion of a certain Kunoichi that made her appearance
there, and I asked in the Forums
what people thought the character would turn out like. The vote turned
out a dead even Heroine / Villainess tied race, some voting to name the
character Missus Flufluhead and whatnot. Ahh, Ammongreat guy, lives
and breathes Linux and Anime
but when it comes to names
Anyway, what was I talking about again? Oh, yes
the Kunoichi. There was one thing NETTG didn't have, and it was ninjas.
So, we're adding one.

For those that know I have the odd habit of giving blatant
clues that are
so obvious that nobody but the real fans can figure out, here's one that
explains who the Kunoichi is, what purpose she serves, and where she fits
into the entire plotline.

Your eyes do not deceive you, there are no tricks in
this picture, no
hidden monkeys, I deleted the extra meaningless details, and anyone who
knows NETTG well enough can tell who and what the Kunoichi will be.
that's all the beans I'll spill for this time
around, and it's plenty. Time for me to go back to the time off I promised
me and Esa
now you know we couldn't leave you hanging after a buildup like that.
Esa's spent a lot of effort tweaking the Kunoichi's appearance. It's been
a fun process, and some great design pics have been made.

Here she is in one of those rare moments when she lets
her hair down.
Even so, she's all business and no play. Ninjas have missions to
accomplish, whether it be an assassination, sabotage, espianage, or
smuggling. It's hard work, and she's quite dedicated.
But then again, who knows? She might enjoy a trip to
the beach as much as
the next gal. Maybe she fishes. Maybe she runs a hot spring parlor.
Hey, maybe she like surfing! Who knows, really?

Nothing is certain, yet. New incarnations of storylines,
as they progress
from book to comic to cartoon, often include new characters who have no
reason or right to be there, even if we're not merchandising. Things will
become more clear as we fire up the creative reactors once more and charge
forward deeper into the comic. We will get to the chapter where she
appears, and finally all will be revealed. And even then, I'll have a
trump-card secret to pull out later on about her.
And the Atomic Starlight Knight? What about him? Oh,
he'll make himself known. He needs no fanfarehe is his
own fanfare. Speaking of which, I need to get more work done on that NETTG
fanfic rewrite. It's been approved by Esa and Larry so far, so it's gotta
be good. ^_^
To finish off, a gift that contains even more hints about
the Kunoichi. I
do want a CGed and colored version of this one, but it's a terrific piece
of art. Here's for until we can get settled in and get a bit more work
