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![]() Queen SerenityName: Serenity II Aliases: None Physical Age Range in the Series: 24-30, approximately. (She's in her mid-thirties when the series starts.) Awarded Titles: Queen Hair Color: Platinum blonde with lavender highlights Eye Color: Blue Complexion: Very Fair Part in the Story: Main Cast Comments and Important Details: There was one previous Lunar queen during the Silver Millennium. So fine was the silken glove with which she reigned that no one truly minded the iron fist underneath it. Pushing through the disarmament treaties that created an era of peace was an exercise in patience, education, anger-management, and negotiation skill and required the founder to be powerful enough to righteously kick the braying donkey out of any threat that might choose to attack the fledgling utopia. In that kind of circumstance, it helps if you have a nice chunk of magical rock with which to iron out the details. Once it seemed certain that the peace would last and that her daughter was ready enough to take her place, Serenity I left for parts unknown, eventually traveling beyond the rim of the galaxy. ![]() Despite Serenity Jr.'s extreme youth by immortal standards, leaving her in charge was generally deemed a wise decision on the part of the ancient ruler of yore. Her wisdom had never failed them before, so why should it then? The new queen is afforded all the respect and obedience previously pledged to the elder one. Only a scant few question her authority behind her back; there are some concerns about her lack of effort to eliminate certain subversive elements now becoming present on the various worlds. To further complicate matters, she recently opened up diplomatic relations with Earth, whose purely mortal inhabitants are considered throwback savages by many in the "better" parts of the Silver Millennium.
In the past, threats to life, limb, and property had been dealt with promptly by the elder queen and her Senshi, long before critical areas or population centers could be affected. The arrival of the Galactic Destroyer was different. Depending on who you ask, there are two explanations for the devastation it wrought. Those who feel generous say that the new monster came too suddenly and acted too swiftly for a potent defense to be mounted in time; detractors say that Serenity II reacted too slowly in dealing with her first major crisis. One thing all of the pundits agree on is that this time, the threat was stopped far too late. In this time after the climactic battle on the Moon, many feel that her future effectiveness is uncertain. Her subjects hope she can maintain the status quo and lead them into another thousand years of peace and prosperity, but no one is quite sure. Final defeat had been too close; the one they'd revered as a goddess was shown to not be invincible. That is only the beginning of her problems. The beast she vanquished by only a narrow margin left a living, breathing human child in its place. Uncertain about the girl's origins, the queen is making a few more unpopular executive decisions concerning something that may very well determine the fate of the Silver Millennium .
Queen Serenity II is renowned as the spitting image of her mother. She is as immortal as human beings get, born to pure-bred Lunar parents and raised in strict adherence to traditions begun centuries earlier by the first queen. Whether because of arrogance or incredible foresight on the part of Serenity I, she was deemed ready to take full reign of the Moon Kingdom by her twenty-fifth year.
Queen Serenity typically wears a white dress with a longer-than-floor-length skirt. Her gowns are magical, and keep themselves clean without need for laundering. She has several of them in her somewhat less than expansive wardrobe, as it's her favorite look. Still, that's not to say she won't try on something else now and again. However, she's in enough socio-political hot water without indulging herself in such luxuries as an Imelda Marcos-size shoe collection. Especially in the months following the devastation caused by the Galactic Destroyer, she has to cut spending and let what she can spare go to help those in need. Though Marie Antoinette wouldn't be born for several thousand years, a good lesson for all royalty is that "Let them eat cake" is a badand potentially fatalpublicity move wherever or whenever you are, no matter how many worshipers you have. That's a big reason why her wardrobe is pared down to such an extent. Serenity was brought up right, and knows that caring for the victims of the attack is the top priority. Taking Care of the Kids:
When she decides to adopt Terra, administration takes even more time away from what she has to spend with her small family. Nevertheless, family is important to her, and she makes every effort she can to bring up both her natural and adopted daughters properly. There's always a question about how much she really knows about the recent addition to the group. Does she know what kind of danger she's putting herself into? Is she taking any measures to ensure that she can deal with the problems that are sure to arise? What of her kingdom; will she sacrifice all for this small dose of idealism she's demonstrating? These concerns form a fair amount of the story, and will be answered in the fullness of time. |
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